Indian Education & Johnson O'Malley Information
Attn Parents & Students: Preparing for the ACT Test
Meeting & Agenda Notices:
2024 Committee Meeting Schedule (Clerk filed notice)
Meeting Dates |
Title VI Indian Education |
Johnson O'Malley |
02/29/2024 |
04/25/2024 |
08/29/2024 |
10/24/2024 |
12/07/2024 |
Notice |
Notice |
March 3, 2025 |
Notice Agenda |
Notice Agenda |
Click image for the full "Needs Assessment Results" presentation:
Spring 2024 Public Hearing Grant Information
Previous Years' Meetings
Meeting Dates |
Title VI Indian Education |
Johnson O'Malley |
7/07/2022 7/25/2022 |
8/25/2022 |
10/27/2022 |
12/08/2022 |
2/23/2023 |
5/01/2023 |
8/31/2023 |
10/26/2023 |
Notice |
Notice | created a guide to national, local, and tribal American Indian scholarships that you might be interested in including on your site. Some scholarships included are:- Bureau of Indian Education Higher Education Program
- Cherokee Nation College Resource Scholarship
- Chickasaw Nation Higher Education Grant
- Osage Nation Higher Education Scholarship
- Washington American Indian Endowed Scholarship
Title VI and JOM programs are designed to assist Native American students by supporting and providing programs to enrich academic and cultural education.
Indian Education Staff (K-12):
- Director: Julie Belk
- Coordinator: Donna West
- Cultural Resource Assistant: Brigitte Postoak
- Education & Tutoring Supervisor: Jordyn Flemings
- Elementary Tutors:
- Secondary Tutors:
- Secondary Native American Club Sponsor: Clayton Wyse & Brigitte Postoak
Title VI?
Title VI is a federally funded program through the Dept. of Education to increase academic support to Native American students.
The Indian Education Formula Grant Program was authorized in 1972 with the passing of the Indian Education Act.
This allows Berryhill Public Schools to apply for federal funding to support Native American student education. Complete the 506 form, it is required for federal grant documentation of eligibility for services. It asks for the tribal membership, roll number, which can be for any of the following:
- Student
- Parent
- Grandparent
The Title VI IPAC Committee and School liaisons work on the Indian Education Program in developing next year's programming. In order to pass a federal and state audit, the form must be completely filled out by a parent/guardian. You can return the completed form to your child's school office secretary or Courtney McClendon at the central office.
Indian Parent Advisory Committe
Members at Large
The Johnson O’Malley Program includes academic education, cultural awareness and community involvement. Berryhill Schools are in compliance and under the direction of Muscogee (Creek) Nation.
JOM funds are administered by the U.S. Department of Interior through the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) and are dedicated to the improvement of education for Native American students.
What students are eligible for JOM?
The student must be enrolled with a federally recognized tribe.
Degree of blood quantum must be one-fourth or higher of Indian blood descendant of a citizen of a federally recognized Indian tribal government.
Also accepted is a parent’s tribal citizenship card or a CDIB card of a federally recognized tribe if the parent’s blood degree is a half ½ or more with the student’s original state certified birth certificate.
A copy of the student's tribe affiliation card must be on file with the school district.
JOM Committee
Indian Ed Needs Assessment Both the JOM and Title VI programs conduct annual surveys to determine needs. The survey results are then assessed and the needs are ranked according to feasibility, importance, and appropriateness. |
What do we provide?
- Grade enhancement (tutoring)
- Elementary school supplies
- ACT registration assistance
- Cultural Enhancement
- Cultural Activities/Projects
- Cultural Presentations Classroom/School wide
- College & Career Program
- Financial Aid Resources
- Scholarship Opportunities
- Career Day
- Mentoring Opportunities
- Parent Involvement (Both programs)
- Serving on Parent Committee
- Monthly Parent Meetings
- Student Recognition
- Needs Assessment Resource
- Attendance Monitoring
- Grade Check
- Course Credit Check
- Ineligibility Reports
- Summer Camp
- Native American school club for secondary
- Cultural Field Trips
Tribal Nation Links:
The Seminole Nation of Oklahoma